
Bernie Kotlier

Labor Management Cooperation Committee, California

Executive Director

Bernie Kotlier directs development and delivery of sustainable energy programs, education and training for the National Electrical Contractors Association and the IBEW in California including energy efficiency, photovoltaics, zero net energy buildings, electric vehicles, battery energy storage and micro-grids.

Bernie has served on the California Public Utilities Commission Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency Workforce Development as well as the Working Group on Lighting, the California Schools of the Future Advisory Committee, the California Air Resources Board advisory committee on Zero Emission Buses and the CalEPA Battery Recycling Advisory Group.

He currently serves as co-chair of the California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program, national co-chair of the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program, chair of the Li-Bridge workforce and communities committee, vice-chair of the NAATBatt Education committee and member of the boards of directors of the California Energy Alliance and NAATBatt.