Chad Shaffer
Siemens Digital Enterprise, Industry Software Inc.
Director of Business Development
Chad Shaffer is the Director of Business Development at Siemens Digital Enterprise, Industry Software Inc. In this role, Siemens leverages digitalization, automation, and electrification for discrete & process industries to achieve a Digital Enterprise journey for clients. Chad is responsible for Industry 4.0 thought leadership through the lens of digital twin & simulation practices. Digital Enterprise also plays a role as a “connector” across Siemens businesses to support transformation use cases. 24 years of experience delivering programs across automotive, battery, electronics, machine building, oil & gas, and metal converting verticals. Chad holds an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, a Finance Certificate from Emory Goizueta Business School, and a Smart Manufacturing Certificate from MIT.
Chad sponsored a NAATBatt board of directors’ seat at Siemens for many years before passing this responsibility to Andrew Tattersall. Present efforts are to promote further development of machine and line builders to help companies achieve gigafactory aspirations. In this practice the focus is on digital threads for the battery industry to include accelerated battery development, battery smart manufacturing, and advance machine engineering for battery.